
Selasa, 3 April 2012

~Blood & Urine Test 28/3/2012- Report 3-4-2012~

hmmm... report dah shiap... nampaknya perlu jumpa doktor zaini utk keterangan lebih lanjut...

The re cells show mild microcytosis, mild hypochromia and poikilocytosis. An occasional reactive lymphocyte seen. The platelets appear normal.

something wrong here... tapi doktor tadi ckp tak perlu risau apa2x. Masih normal.

MCV 76 fL  - ( 78-99)
MCH 24 pg - ( 27-32)

sel darah merah kecik dan bentuk tak tetap... hmmm... punca? tak tau?

Semua bacaan over limit... HDL cholesterol kena tingkatkan... LDL cholesterol kena kurangkan...
HDL kena lakukan senaman
LDL pulak kena control kemasukan cholesterol...
tak blh amek makanan seafood & tak blh makan makanan goreng....
(yg ni doktor bg tempoh 3 bulan amalkan senaman & jaga pemakanan, lepas tu nanti buat test lagi, kalau tak berganjak kena amek ubat utk mengurangkan kadar kolestrol, takut terjadi saluran jantung tersumbat)

haishhh agaknya before diet 3 bulan sebelum tu bacaan mcm mana lah agaknya... mesti lagi tinggi... jadi terpaksa buat mcm tahun lepas... pengambilan susu omega & oat...

Uric Acid
almost.... bacaan.... 0.43 mmol/L (0.15-0.45) hampir nak lepas dari limit... doktor suruh berjaga2x...

Causes of high uric acid

  • In many instances, people have elevated uric acid levels for hereditary reasons.
  • Diet may be a factor. High intake of dietary purine as well as fructose (and table sugar which is roughly 50% fructose) can cause increased levels of uric acid.
  • Serum uric acid can be elevated due to reduced excretion by the kidneys.
  • Fasting or rapid weight loss can temporarily elevate uric acid levels.
  • Iron (Fe) activates xanthine oxidase (XO) and copper (Cu) deactivates it, so as men accumulate Fe with age (ferritin levels rise above 45 ng/dl) and Cu levels decline as testosterone levels drop with age (testosterone increases Cu half life), eventually the high Fe/Cu results in more active XO and higher urate levels.[citation needed] Excess Fe can be eliminated through phlebotomy (blood donation) and low Cu can be corrected through daily intake of 2 mg Cu per day, reducing urate levels.[citation needed]

How to Reduce Uric Acid


    • 1
      Reduce your alcohol consumption. Some of the largest culprits when it comes to uric acid creation are beer and wine. This is because both of these products contain high amounts of purines. The greater amount of purines in the liquid, the more uric acid that is produced when the body has to break them down.
    • 2
      Increase the amount of water you drink. Water is an incredibly important aspect of detoxification in the body. When you increase your water, you help to dilute the amount of uric acid in the blood stream. The increased water volume also helps to flush the toxin out of the blood stream quicker. You can see this by the increased need to urinate as you drink greater volumes of water. Each time you urinate you are helping to eliminate uric acid from your system.
    • 3
      Drink more dairy. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, if you drink one to five glasses of low fat milk each day, you can substantially help your uric acid levels and reduce your chances of developing gout by up to 43 percent.
    • 4
      Decrease your protein intake and increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Most meats and seafood are very high in purines. Though you don't have to remove meat completely from your diet, replacing some meat protein sources with vegetables and fruits can help to substantially lower the amount of uric acid in your system.
    • 5
      Increase your level of physical activity. Uric acid can quite often build up because of poor circulation. Not only will increasing your physical activity help you to lose weight, but it will also help increase the blood flow throughout your body. This increased circulation will help your body to quickly flush out any uric acid that is produced.
    • 6
      Get a massage. Getting a massage can help pull uric acid out of your muscles and into the blood stream. However, a massage will not help if you do not drink plenty of water afterward. If you neglect to increase your water intake, the toxins that were released into your bloodstream will only resettle back into your muscles. They may even make you feel physically sick because of the concentration of toxins in your bloodstream.

      How to Reduce Uric Acid in Your Diet


        • 1
          Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol contains compounds called purines, which increase uric acid levels. It is also prevents your kidneys from excreting excess uric acid. Non-alcoholic beverages are no exemption since they also contain minute amounts of alcohol.
        • 2
          Drink highly concentrated lemonade. Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin c. This vitamin breaks down uric acid, forcing it out of the urine. Squeeze five lemons into a glass of water, but do not add sugar--you don't want to make lemonade. Sugar aggravates the pancreas. You want your body to utilize metabolic energy for reducing uric acid, not glucose via the pancreas.
        • 3
          Increase your fiber intake. Fiber reduces uric acid in the blood by binding cholesterol and eliminating it through stool. Foods rich in fiber include raspberries, corn and bran.
        • 4
          Eat three cups of cherries a day. Cherries must be included in your diet. These fruits contain compounds called anthocyanins, which help dissolve uric acid in the blood.
        • 5
          Drink nine glasses of water after each meal Water helps by reducing the buildup of cholesterol, enabling the breakdown of uric acid. Drink three glasses of water 15 minutes after each meal.

          * doktor ada kata pengambilan buah ada 5... epal hijau, jambu batu, oren, raspberries 1 lg tak ingat. tapi yang ingat limau yg besar dan masam tue.
          * Eliminate certain vegetables out of your diet that are high in purines which turn into uric acid such as mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower and asparagus. (so no more bunga kobis in diet)
          * kurangkan pengambilan garam.
          Eliminate foods that contain animal organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, blood of all animals including cows, chickens, turkeys, lambs, herring, anchovies, mackerel, meat extracts, mincemeat, sardines, mussels, brains, gravies, sweetbreads, and yeast. (no more hati ayam @ paru @ limpa)
          * tingkatkan pengambilan air masak.
          * tambah menu dgn pengambilan air jus limau @ lemon tanpa gula.

          dan akhir sekali... 

          urine test
          clear tak de kencing manis... <- sebenarnya nak tau keputusan yg ini... tp lain pulak berita buruk yg diterima... haishhh....

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